Stories section

"My digital skills are my passport to success" - Sooraj
I managed to explore work options in a large metro despite hailing from a small fishing village. I practiced tirelessly via Blimey exercises which resulted in my promotion from MIS Executive in a travel company with time sensitive targets. Process discipline, techniques of error proofing and sighted friendly national reports enabled my company to be a competitive start-up. My digital skills became my passport to transition into my current role with a nationalised bank.

"The Tool has encouraged me to dream bigger and aim higher" - Kanchana
For a visually impaired girl growing up in a small town in Andhra Pradesh, supported by a farmer’s income, higher education was a distant dream. But introduction to computers through this tool at an early age showed me a way forward. Through constant practice and automated feedback, I attained proficiency. Last year I managed to write my college exams on computer without the help of a scribe. This feat has motivated me to aim higher. I now aspire to appear for the civil services exams next year.

"This is a breakthrough solution that can help visually impaired students realize their full potential" - Sandesh HR
As a Master Trainer, I use this tool to give feedback on learner’s progress. Earlier it took me more than three hours to assess the students’ development. But with automatically generated reports, this tool helps me review their work in just five minutes. The insights gained over years have been packed into it. These will support the students in realizing their full potential and progressing on respective paths.