Introduction about Blimey

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Learn. Practice. Contribute.

Open the window to infinite possibilities with the world’s only digital learning platform made for and by persons with vision impairment.Be unstoppable, a productive employee, a valued family member and a delighted consumer.Download and practice to acquire computer fluency.
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The Story So Far

It all started in a 10X5 room with our founder, Shanti and her initial team of employees with vision impairment. The intent was clear. To make the visually impaired ‘battle ready’ for skilled jobs in the open labour market. How would this happen? By acquiring digital mastery on computers.Today we are elated to see thousands of visually impaired people employed in varied computer-based jobs. They are working in the area of medical transcription, spam management, service management, program management, human resources and so on. Every issue that can pose a hurdle on the job, has been anticipated and converted into hundreds of ‘experiential exercises’ and ‘role simulations’. Jobs traditionally perceived to be ‘visual’ are no longer out of reach for the blind.Read more about the journey...